1.召集_Call to Gather
2.山海之歌_Ode to the Earth
3.月亮祈福_Kifulad (Visiting Song)
5.精神舞_Spiritual Dance
6.齊聚_Gathering Together
7.展現_Display of Strength
9.縱谷之聲_Voice of Halawan
★CD 重唱派娜娜當紅代表作 + DVD 唯一收錄派娜娜生前影像!
派娜娜-傳奇女伶 高菊花 影音紀錄(導演/侯季然)
|專輯 CD 曲序|
01. La Paloma / 演唱:派娜娜 Panana
02. La Paloma / 演唱:Caitlin Magee
03. Seven Lonely Days / 演唱:Caitlin Magee
04. She Taught Me How To Yodel / 演唱:陳永龍Yonlon Chen
05. 千風之歌 / 演唱:陳永龍Yonlon Chen
06. 汝叫什麼名 / 演唱:曾梓淞 Z.S Zen
臺灣新一代DJ及電音製作人,其音樂風格受到 Armin van Buuren 之影響,讓他在音樂作品中,出現極具層次感之生命力,已在電音界發表多首音樂作品。在全球電音結合現代創作型的創作歌曲做更多元的呈現,擅長的Trance與Progressive曲風,將樂句中流動著音樂和文字與心跳的節奏融合為一。發表過《The Advancer》、《Voyage》E.P.、《Enter The Rainbow》、《The Hidden Love》E.P.、《The Power Of Leo》、《Waves Traveller》、《Bass Radiation》…等作品。
■ 創作音樂人 & DJ ── 何欣穗ciacia
溫柔的微風,潮濕的土壤,豐饒的樹林,盛開的花朵,可不就是世界萬物生命的起源?聽著這些感情豐富的聲音,唱著那些文化傳承的旋律,美麗的音符活潑地穿梭於folk, country, world music, blues, new age & jazz 等曲風之間,聰明而流暢,感動之餘,我更深深明白了自己活在這樣一個美麗的世界!
21世紀最重要世界音樂寶典 臺灣原住民古調神曲
充分展現天、地、人 超越語言最瑰麗樂章
從台灣發聲 全世界的耳朵都在聽!
台灣唯一正式受邀登上『英國倫敦‧依莉莎白女皇劇院』全場演出作品,BBC Radio 3世界音樂專題轉播之聲
|霧鹿部落 布農八部合音 歐洲報導|
The Wulu Bunun is a small ethnic group that lives in the southeastern portion of Taiwan’s Central Mountain Range. They have a unique harmonic style of singing that often uses up to eight different parts. At first blush, the harmonies have the astringent quality of Sacred Harp Singing. The songs are nearly all functional, whether used for hunting, harvesting, praying, or just boasting of one’s prowess.
布農族霧鹿部落,是一個位於台灣中央山脈東南部非常小的一個族群,他們擁有那獨特八部的和諧的梵音。 乍聽之下,歌聲宛如神聖般的聖堂豎琴合唱。這些歌曲,唱出了部落中在工作、收穫、祈禱或者狩獵報戰功等古歌謠。
————————————————————————————–Rootsworld, USA 美國「根」世界音樂雜誌 報導
The resulting symbiosis seems at first merely a warm bath of sound, but closer listening reveals it to be a mine of harmonic complexity. The turning circle and the ever-rising pitch became a veritable tower of music: where would it end? It ended with the breaking of the circle.
從一開始的僅僅互相依存,眾人的聲音如沐春風,但是專注聆聽時它是一種複雜型態的梵音。人們圍著回轉圓和逐漸上升的音調,歌聲的強壯成為一個名符其實的音樂塔: 它在哪裡將結束? 這個答案將在圓圈打開後揭曉。
—————————————————————————————-The Independent, UK (英國獨立紀事報 報導)
天 ─ 儀式歌曲
1. 下山歌 Song for Concluding Work
2. 祈禱小米豐收歌 Prayer for an Abundant Millet Harvest
3. 獵槍祭拜歌 Prayer Song for Rifles
4. 慶功宴 Celebration
5. 飲酒歡聚歌 Drinking Song
地 ─ 原創民謠
6. 走在回家的路上 The Journey Home
7. 煙斗歌 Pipe Song
8. 婦女工作歌 Weaving Song
9. 布農之歌 The Bunun Tribe
人─ 現代創作
10. 夢中的彩虹 The Dream I Just Had
11. 嬰兒之歌 Children’s Song
12. 快樂的夜晚 Joy Tonight
13. 慶功宴 Celebration
馮羿「二度」登上美國「艾倫秀」的音樂人,馮羿是全世界各大新聞頭條搶著報導的音樂達人,也是一個急著跟世界分享自己滿滿音樂能量的大男孩;馮羿創造一種烏克麗麗的「馮式搖滾風格」。用他獨樹一格的演奏功力征服世界!2019年,全球樂迷千呼萬喚,馮羿 創作專輯「Silence in the Storm」要掀起流行樂壇的音樂風!
02.Silence in the Storm
05.Happy Ending
09.Classical Gas
10.A Rainy Afternoon in April
Wulu is home to the most traditional styles of Bunun singing. ‘Pasibutbut’, the Bunun people’s sacred song, with it’s unique eight-part harmony. Said to be inspired by the sounds of humming bees, a rushing waterfall, and the sounds made when crossing through a pine or bamboo forest, ‘Pasibutbut’ has also been called the ‘sound of nature’.
霧鹿部落是布農族傳統歌聲的重要指標,「Pasibutbut 小米豐收歌」是布農族人的神曲,它是全世界獨一無二的八部和諧演唱,這首歌是由他們的祖先受到蜂的聲響、瀑布的水流聲,風穿越杉木或竹子森林的聲音啟發,而傳承下來的歌謠,「小米豐收歌」也被稱為「大自然的歌聲」。
——————————————-World Music Central, USA 美國世界音樂中心 報導
“These songs are the basis of their culture, working songs, celebration songs, hunting songs, and I guess thousands of years old. Whether you live in the lower valley or the mountain everybody knows these songs. Everything they do is organic to their culture.
Wulu village is one of the last villages to have really held on to the traditional a cappella singing. Everybody else is sliding into the western way. The chief of this tribe has insisted they sing and keep the tradition.
“Pasibutbut” also blew the minds of ethnomusicologists after it was ‘discovered’ by a Japanese musicologist Takatomo Kurosawa who presented it to a UNESCO conference in Paris in 1952.They’d already written the history that music started a certain way and developed pentatonically, but this was revolutionary that a tribe had this way of singing. You see if I make a sound and slide it up it’s called glissando, and that’s what the Bunun were doing.
這些歌曲是他們的文化、生活、祭典、狩獵歌曲,這一切和部落的生活息息相關!他們是僅存真正堅持傳統演唱者,這個部落的長老堅持要他們這樣唱並且保留了傳統。「Pasibutbut 小米豐收歌」也吹開了種族音樂學家的頭腦,使其重新思考音樂的五音定律。而這革命性的發現,竟是來自台灣深山布農族,至今仍堅持的傳統歌聲。
—————————————————————–David Darling, World-Renowned Cellist (大提琴家 大衛達伶)
CD1 伴奏版、CD2 原音清唱版
01. 收工歌 Song for Concluding Work
02. 祈禱小米豐收歌 Prayer for an Abundant Millet Harvest
03. 祭槍歌 Prayer Song for Rifles
04. 報戰功 Celebration
05. 飲酒歌 Drinking Song
06. 歸途 The Journey Home
07. 勤快的孩子 Obedient Child
08. 織布歌 Weaving Song
09. 快樂在今宵 Joy Tonight
10. 我剛才的夢 The Dream I Just Had
11. 聞槍聲 Hearing the Sound of a Gun
12. 嬰兒祭歌 Children’s Song
13. 關懷歌 Song of Caring
14. 山豬陷阱歌 Song of the Wild Boar Trap
15. 布農族 The Bunun Tribe